The Sight and Sound contents page form March 2023 is a single page. Similarly, to the last issue the page is split between the contents on each page, reviews and contributor. The contents page is also shown in black and white. This may be done to reduce cost for the magazine or according to increase the likelihood of a viewer concentrating on the material presented to them. Alternatively, the March 2023 issue has different contributors compared to the previous issues. For example, this issue contains Jonathan Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum is a film critic and author. Rosenbaum has published and edited numerous books about film and has contributed to such notable film publications such as Cahiers du cinema and Film Comment, according to Wikipedia. Similarly, to the previous issue the contents page also contains reviews upon films within the issue such as Tar and Holy Spider. Holy Spider is based upon the true events of Saeed Hanaei, a serial killer who targeted and killed street prostitutes. In addition, Tar is a psychological drama film written and directed by Todd Field in which Lydia Tar is accused of sexual misconduct and how she deals with this. Furthermore, the contents page is similar to the previous issue's content page as it follows the same font, size and text direction as the previous issues. This may be done as it gives the audience uniformity and a standard between the two issues. Similarly to the previous issue Sight and Sound use images to emphasis the work of the contributors. However, the images chosen are all close-up shots, this is significant as it allows the audience to seen a detailed image of the contributor further emphasising their work and impact on this issue of Sight and Sound. Due to this, Sight and Sound are seen as conventional due to the contents page containing various types of information regarding the issue.
The Little White Lies page from July/August 2022 contains a single page content page. The contents page shows the lead review of Pink Flamingos, The gospel according to St John, John Walters : An Oeuvre, The Dreamlanders: A Who's Who and many others. Compared to Sight and Sound, Little White Lies' cover page is scarce with information. This may be done in order to follow typical conventions of a Little White Lies magazine as Little White Lies magazine's are known to be minimalistic in their physical appearance. The Lead Review mentions Pink Flamingos and its 50th anniversary, meanwhile on page 26 (What a Swizz!) is mentioned as a muck-smearing one-off. There is a lack of different sections on the contents page. Once stated before this is done to reinforce the minimalistic look of a Little White Lies Issue. The typography is of a sans-serif font, this connotes that Little White Lies are modern, this can be supported by Little White Lies being founded in 2005, this is fairly recent when compared to other magazine titles. Furthermore, Little White Lies has no images present, this may be done to show minimise the layout of the contents page, perhaps to not make the contents page overwhelming or clustered to a potential reader. In addition, the the contents page contains page numbers this is done to make navigating through the issue easier.

The contents page for the November 2022 issue of Film Stories is a double-page. This may have been done to allow more information to be on the contents pages. This therefore gives the impression that there is a lot of value on the content pages due to the content being seen as 'crammed'. Film Stories use a different layout compared to previous film magazines for example, Film Stories have their typography to the sides on the content pages whilst having the images and captions positioned within the centre. Within the contents page, the page references the main feature Daniel Radcliffe on page 6 and references to page 34 about 'The French Dispatched'. The contents page also uses humour whilst referring to the writers as 'The Important people' and the 'Less Important People'. The typography used is of a sans-serif font this makes the typography easier to glance over compared to a serif font making it more readable for a consumer. The use of images allows the audience to see a visual insight to the content of each individual page. In addition, the the contents page contains page numbers this is done to make navigating through the issue easier and is the main purpose of a contents page.

The contents page for the March 2023 issue of Film Stories is a double-page. This may have been done to allow more information to be on the contents pages. The layout for the contents page is similar to the previous issue with the images in the centre of the two pages and text/copy being placed on the sides of the pages. This creates a sense of uniformity between the two issues. Within the contents page there is a clear reference to the main feature of the issue 'Tetris', this can be found on page 6. Similarly to the previous issue, The contents page also uses humour whilst referring to the writers as 'The Important people' and the 'Less Important People'. The contents page also makes references to the 55th anniversary of 'Trumbull's Space Odyssey'. Furthermore, the contents page shows the content on each individual page, this an be seen on the right-hand side of the contents page. The typography used is of a sans-serif font, similarly to the previous issue. The issue makes use out of a blue colour to highlight headings for the information below. The content page is shown at the start of the issue. This is due to the contents pages being placed on page 4 and 5.