NEA Task 14 (Planning) : Magazine Title and Strapline

 Target Audience : 18-25 year old's Media Literate Middle to upper market target audience

Magazine Title :

Film Trek     Pilgrimage    Odyssey.    G.O.A.T    Origins.   Source    Lineage    Mirage    Apex   Unity   Chimera   Totem   Emblem     Witness

After varying responses from colleagues 'Origins.' is the likely option for my magazine title this is because of the connation of the noun.  


 Everchanging landscape of film

Behind the camera

Behind the script

Behind the lighting

Behind the works

Behind the frames

Roots and motives

Behind the lens

After varying responses from colleagues, 'Behind the lens' is the likely choice due to the connotations of film whilst also implying a focus on the production behind the camera. This more suitable than other straplines. For example, 'Roots and Motives' has connotations of gardening. Therefore, this is not suitable due to attracting the wrong audience.

Reasoning for magazine title : I have chosen 'Origins.' as the title magazine. This is because 'Origins' has connotations of the point or place where something begins. More explicitly, origins (within context) will emphasis the production of films and how they are produced with certain themes. This is significant, as this film magazine will focus on production of films and the motives/ideologies that are embedded within the films. Therefore, 'Origins.' is suitable as a magazine title due to the magazine showing the original beliefs and views surrounding the films. This will be done by having various interviews being placed on the website and magazine. These interviews will be with notable figures surrounding the film such as the director and various actors and how they wish to paly their role within the film. A middle to upper market media literate audience would be aware of noun origins and its connotation therefore making the title suitable.

Magazine Title - Origins.

Magazine Strapline - Behind the lens

Completed NEA

  Dear Moderator,  My name is Bradley Hillyer. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for ...