NEA Task 18 (Planning) : Mock Up of Cover 1 and 2

Mock Up Cover 1

In creating this mock-up I have chosen to have a selection of content pugs at the top of the magazine. Furthermore, I have chosen to place the masthead beneath the contents plug this is done to make the masthead clear and show brand identity. Then the main image is centralised, this will be the focus of the magazine. The surrounding this there will be a pull quote beneath and contents plugs either side of the pull quote.

Mock Up Cover 2

 The layout for Mock-up cover 2 is similar to the previous cover this done to cross-reference each other and create uniformity between the two covers. However, this mock-up cover makes use out of a long-shot rather than a close-up.

Completed NEA

  Dear Moderator,  My name is Bradley Hillyer. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for ...