NEA Task 21 (Planning) : Photography Planning

 Total Images needed - 13

Issue One - 4 'Manic' Images

Issue Two - 7 'Tradesmen' Images

2 Other images 

Issue One Images

Front cover

Main Image

Close up shot

Low key lighting

Slight low angle shot

Costume - suit, wet hair 

Location - underpass, dim light

Contents page

Main image

Birds eye shot

Direct gaze

Long shot

Costume - suit with blazer removed

Location - pathway, field

Side image 

Two shot of image being taken

Location - Field, pathway

Website linked page

Group photo

Group photo of production team in action

Long shot 

Previous issue photo

Close up of lower waist and legs shot

tie in hand

Blazer removed

Location - Underpass dim light, concrete surrounding

Issue Two Images

Front cover

Main Image

Long shot 

Props - chair

Direct gaze

Costume - tan trousers, tropical shirt

Location - field, overlooking pond

Contents page

Main Image

Worms eye view shot

Actor in same attire of front cover shot

Location - Road

Side Image

Two shot of image being taken of actor

Actor is posing for the camera or sitting down

Website page

Main Image

Low angle shot of director and actor discussing

Location - Each on either side of the river holding clothes

Side image

Two shot of actor being asked question by fans

Mid- shot of the two characters

Location - On set with equipment on show

Side image

Extreme long shot of actor

Actor has in the air

Actor on knees

Low angle shot

Website revies and Interviews page

Image of Tradesmen

Group photo of all cast with equipment present with main actor in same position as front cover shot

Slightly high angle shot

Other Images

Camera Image

Close up shot on camera

High angle shot - 70 degrees


Bradley Hillyer

Jake Sullivan

Ethan Brown

Ethan Beale

Mason Carvell

Matthew Walton

Completed NEA

  Dear Moderator,  My name is Bradley Hillyer. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for ...