NEA Task 6 : Understanding Audience (Mass Market)


1.     What is a mass market audience?

This refers to an audience on a large scale that have a similar need and therefore receive the same undifferentiated product.

2.     What is an independent cinema?

A cinema that operates on its own apart from major blockchain cinemas, therefore showing mass market films and other niche films as well.

3.     What is OnScreen magazine?

OnScreen magazine is a digital and physical product that is available on Onscreen. These magazines are free, however similar to how METRO make revenue through selling advertisements.

4.     What different sections are there on the OnScreen website and how do these sections appeal to a mass market audience?

These different sections appeal to a mass market audience due to offering a broad range of products. Also, the quantity of products that are offered suggest little diversification is needed. This is significant as this would result in all the product being shown are for a mass market audience, due to the number of products that are supplied to the market.

5.     How does the latest edition of OnScreen magazine (May/June 2023) appeal to a mass market audience?

The latest of the Onscreen magazine appeals to the mass market due to offering a wide range of products within the magazine. Furthermore, the Indiana Jones franchise is targeted to a mass audience therefore this would help the magazine/product be advertised to a mass market.

6.     What is meant by the term cross-media convergence?

Cross-media convergence is were producers advertise themselves across a range of different mediums to appeal to different audiences.

7.     Is there any cross-media convergence* between the magazine and its website? 

Cross-media convergence is present on Onscreen’s website and its physical magazines this is because the website references the physical magazines, whilst the physical magazines reference the online website. This is done to cater to all audiences by Onscreen in hopes that all audiences receive the same message. This message is therefore catered to a mass market in order to retain its targeted audiences.

Completed NEA

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